fplll Modules

The modules in this category in some way represent classes or functions from fplll. They are typically implemented in Cython.

Integer Matrices

Dense matrices over the Integers.

class fpylll.fplll.integer_matrix.IntegerMatrix(arg0, arg1=None, int_type='mpz')

Dense matrices over the Integers.


Copy this matrix.


Select a row or entry.


key – an integer for the row, a tuple for row and column or a slice.


a reference to a row or an integer depending on format of key

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(10, 10)
>>> A.gen_identity(10)
>>> A[1,0]
>>> print(A[1])
(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
>>> print(A[0:2])
[ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

Construct a new integer matrix

  • arg0 – number of rows ≥ 0 or matrix

  • arg1 – number of columns ≥ 0 or None

The default constructor takes the number of rows and columns:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> IntegerMatrix(10, 10) 
<IntegerMatrix(10, 10) at 0x...>

>>> IntegerMatrix(10, 0) 
<IntegerMatrix(10, 0) at 0x...>

>>> IntegerMatrix(-1,  0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Number of rows must be >0

The default constructor is also a copy constructor:

>>> A = IntegerMatrix(2, 2)
>>> A[0,0] = 1
>>> B = IntegerMatrix(A)
>>> B[0,0]
>>> A[0,0] = 2
>>> B[0,0]

Assign value to index.

  • key – a tuple of row and column indices

  • value – an integer


>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(10, 10)
>>> A.gen_identity(10)
>>> A[1,0] = 2
>>> A[1,0]

Arbitrary precision integers are supported:

>>> A[0, 0] = 2**2048

The notation A[i][j] is not supported. This is because A[i] returns an object of type IntegerMatrixRow object which is immutable by design. This is to avoid the user confusing such an object with a proper vector.:

>>> A[1][0] = 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'fpylll.fplll.integer_matrix.IntegerMatrixRow' object does not support item assignment
apply_transform(self, IntegerMatrix U, int start_row=0)

Apply transformation matrix U to this matrix starting at row start_row.

  • U (IntegerMatrix) – transformation matrix

  • start_row (int) – start transformation in this row

classmethod from_file(type cls, filename, **kwds)

Construct new matrix from file.

>>> import tempfile
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(10, "qary", k=5, bits=20)
>>> fn = tempfile.mktemp()
>>> fh = open(fn, "w")
>>> _ = fh.write(str(A))
>>> fh.close()
>>> B = IntegerMatrix.from_file(fn)
>>> A == B

filename – name of file to read from

classmethod from_iterable(type cls, nrows, ncols, it, **kwds)

Construct a new integer matrix from matrix-like object A

  • nrows – number of rows

  • ncols – number of columns

  • it – an iterable of length at least nrows * ncols

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_iterable(2,3, [1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> print(A)
[ 1 2 3 ]
[ 4 5 6 ]
classmethod from_matrix(type cls, A, nrows=None, ncols=None, **kwds)

Construct a new integer matrix from matrix-like object A

  • A – a matrix like object, with element access A[i,j] or A[i][j]

  • nrows – number of rows (optional)

  • ncols – number of columns (optional)

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
>>> print(A)
[ 1 2 3 ]
[ 4 5 6 ]
gen_identity(self, int nrows=-1)

Generate identity matrix.


nrows – number of rows

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> A.get_max_exp()
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,9]])
>>> A.get_max_exp()
classmethod identity(type cls, nrows, int_type='mpz')

Construct a new identity matrix of dimension nrows × nrows


nrows – number of rows.

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.identity(4)
>>> print(A)
[ 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
mod(self, q, int start_row=0, int start_col=0, int stop_row=-1, int stop_col=-1)

Apply moduluar reduction modulo q to this matrix.

  • q – modulus

  • start_row (int) – starting row

  • start_col (int) – starting column

  • stop_row (int) – last row (excluding)

  • stop_col (int) – last column (excluding)

>>> A = IntegerMatrix(2, 2)
>>> A[0,0] = 1001
>>> A[1,0] = 13
>>> A[0,1] = 102
>>> print(A)
[ 1001 102 ]
[   13   0 ]
>>> A.mod(10, start_row=1, start_col=0)
>>> print(A)
[ 1001 102 ]
[    3   0 ]
>>> A.mod(10)
>>> print(A)
[ 1 2 ]
[ 3 0 ]
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(2, 2)
>>> A[0,0] = 1001
>>> A[1,0] = 13
>>> A[0,1] = 102
>>> A.mod(10, stop_row=1)
>>> print(A)
[  1 2 ]
[ 13 0 ]
multiply_left(self, v, start=0)

Return v*A' where A' is A reduced to len(v) rows starting at start.

  • v – a tuple-like object

  • start – start in row start


Number of Columns


number of columns

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> IntegerMatrix(10, 10).ncols

Number of Rows


number of rows

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> IntegerMatrix(10, 10).nrows
classmethod random(type cls, d, algorithm, int_type='mpz', **kwds)

Construct new random matrix.

  • d – dominant size parameter, see below for details

  • algorithm – type of matrix create, see below for details

  • int_type – underlying integer type


a random lattice basis


>>> from fpylll import FPLLL
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)

>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(10, "intrel", bits=30))
[  285965362 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[  714553900 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[ 1017994245 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[  256743299 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[  602398079 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[  159503182 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ]
[  450941699 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]
[  125249023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ]
[  158876382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ]
[  514616289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(10, "simdioph", bits=10, bits2=30))
[ 1073741824   50  556    5  899  383  846  771  511  734 ]
[          0 1024    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0 1024    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0 1024    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0 1024    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0    0 1024    0    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0    0    0 1024    0    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1024    0    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1024    0 ]
[          0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1024 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(10, "uniform", bits=10))
[  50 556   5 899 383 846  771 511 734 993 ]
[ 325  12 242  43 374 815  437 260 541  50 ]
[ 492 174 215 999 186 189  292 497 832 966 ]
[ 508 290 160 247 859 817  669 821 258 930 ]
[ 510 933 588 895  18 546  393 868 858 790 ]
[ 620  72 832 133 263 121  724  35 454 385 ]
[ 431 347 749 311 911 937   50 160 322 180 ]
[ 517 941 184 922 217 563 1008 960  37  85 ]
[   5 855 643 824  43 525   37 988 886 118 ]
[  27 944 560 993 662 589   20 694 696 205 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(5, "ntrulike", q=127))
[ 1 0 0 0 0  25  50  44   5   3 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0   3  25  50  44   5 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 0   5   3  25  50  44 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0  44   5   3  25  50 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1  50  44   5   3  25 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 127   0   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0   0 127   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0   0   0 127   0   0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0   0   0   0 127   0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0   0   0   0   0 127 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(5, "ntrulike2", q=127))
[ 127   0   0   0   0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[   0 127   0   0   0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[   0   0 127   0   0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[   0   0   0 127   0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[   0   0   0   0 127 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[  25   3   5  44  50 1 0 0 0 0 ]
[  50  25   3   5  44 0 1 0 0 0 ]
[  44  50  25   3   5 0 0 1 0 0 ]
[   5  44  50  25   3 0 0 0 1 0 ]
[   3   5  44  50  25 0 0 0 0 1 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(10, "qary", k=8, q=127))
[ 1 0  50  44   5   3  78   3  94  97 ]
[ 0 1  69  12 114  43 118  47  53   4 ]
[ 0 0 127   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0 127   0   0   0   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0 127   0   0   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0   0 127   0   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0   0   0 127   0   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0   0   0   0 127   0   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0   0   0   0   0 127   0 ]
[ 0 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 127 ]
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> print(IntegerMatrix.random(10, "trg", alpha=0.99))
[  228404      0     0      0     0     0    0    0    0   0 ]
[  -80428  34992     0      0     0     0    0    0    0   0 ]
[ -104323  -3287 24449      0     0     0    0    0    0   0 ]
[  -54019  -5306  9234  42371     0     0    0    0    0   0 ]
[  -17118 -13604  6537 -10587  4082     0    0    0    0   0 ]
[  108869   8134  4954 -17719 -1984 15326    0    0    0   0 ]
[ -111858  -7328  5192   8105 -1109  1910 5818    0    0   0 ]
[  -97654 -16219 -2181  14658 -1879  7195 -100 2347    0   0 ]
[  -46340  13109  6265  12205 -1848  6113 1049 -170 1810   0 ]
[   10290  16293  4131  -4313  -525  2068 -262  248  715 592 ]

Available Algorithms:

  • "intrel" - (bits = b) generate a knapsack like matrix of dimension d × (d+1) and b bits: the i-th vector starts with a random integer of bit-length ≤ b and the rest is the i-th canonical unit vector.

  • "simdioph" - (bits = b_1, bits2 = b_2) generate a d × d matrix of a form similar to that is involved when trying to find rational approximations to reals with the same small denominator. The first vector starts with a random integer of bit-length ≤ b_2 and continues with d-1 independent integers of bit-lengths ≤ b_1; the i-th vector for i>1 is the i-th canonical unit vector scaled by a factor 2^{b_1}.

  • "uniform" - (bits = b) - generate a d × d matrix whose entries are independent integers of bit-lengths ≤ b.

  • "ntrulike" - (bits = b or q) generate a 2d × 2d NTRU-like matrix. If bits is given, then it first samples an integer q of bit-length ≤ b, whereas if q, then it sets q to the provided value. Then it samples a uniform h in the ring Z_q[x]/(x^n-1). It finally returns the 2 x 2 block matrix [[I, rot(h)], [0, qI]], where each block is d x d, the first row of rot(h) is the coefficient vector of h, and the i-th row of rot(h) is the shift of the (i-1)-th (with last entry put back in first position), for all i>1.

  • ntrulike2" - (bits = b or q) as the previous option, except that the constructed matrix is [[qI, 0], [rot(h), I]].

  • "qary" - (bits = b or q, k) generate a d × d q-ary matrix with determinant q^k. If bits is given, then it first samples an integer q of bit-length ≤ b; if q is provided, then set q to the provided value. It returns a 2 x 2 block matrix [[qI, 0], [H, I]], where H is k x (d-k) and uniformly random modulo q. These bases correspond to the SIS/LWE q-ary lattices. Goldstein-Mayer lattices correspond to k=1 and q prime.

  • "trg" - (alpha) generate a d × d lower-triangular matrix B with B_{ii} = 2^{(d-i+1)^\alpha} for all i, and B_{ij} is uniform between -B_{jj}/2 and B_{jj}/2 for all j.


The NTRU options above do not produce genuine NTRU lattice with an unusually short dense sublattice.



randomize(self, algorithm, **kwds)

Randomize this matrix using algorithm.


algorithm – see random()



resize(self, int rows, int cols)
  • rows (int) –

  • cols (int) –

rotate(self, int first, int middle, int last)

Rotates the order of the elements in the range [first,last), in such a way that the element pointed by middle becomes the new first element.

(M[first],…,M[middle-1],M[middle],M[last]) becomes (M[middle],…,M[last],M[first],…,M[middle-1])

  • first (int) – first index

  • middle (int) – new first index

  • last (int) – last index (inclusive)

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]])
>>> A.rotate(0,0,2)
>>> print(A)
[ 0 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 5 ]
[ 6 7 8 ]
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]])
>>> A.rotate(0,2,2)
>>> print(A)
[ 6 7 8 ]
[ 0 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 5 ]
rotate_gram_left(self, int first, int last, int n_valid_rows)

Transformation needed to update the lower triangular Gram matrix when rotateLeft(first, last) is done on the basis of the lattice.

  • first (int) –

  • last (int) –

  • n_valid_rows (int) –

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
rotate_gram_right(self, int first, int last, int n_valid_rows)

Transformation needed to update the lower triangular Gram matrix when rotateRight(first, last) is done on the basis of the lattice.

  • first (int) –

  • last (int) –

  • n_valid_rows (int) –

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
rotate_left(self, int first, int last)

Row permutation.

(M[first],…,M[last]) becomes (M[first+1],…,M[last],M[first])

  • first (int) –

  • last (int) –

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
rotate_right(self, int first, int last)

Row permutation.

(M[first],…,M[last]) becomes (M[last],M[first],…,M[last-1])

  • first (int) –

  • last (int) –

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
set_cols(self, int cols)

cols (int) –

set_iterable(self, A)

Set this matrix from iterable A


A – an iterable object such as a list or tuple


>>> z = range(16)
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(4, 4)
>>> A.set_iterable(z)
>>> print(A)
[  0  1  2  3 ]
[  4  5  6  7 ]
[  8  9 10 11 ]
[ 12 13 14 15 ]

>>> A = IntegerMatrix(3, 3)
>>> A.set_iterable(z)
>>> print(A)
[ 0 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 5 ]
[ 6 7 8 ]


entries starting at A[nrows * ncols] are ignored.

set_matrix(self, A)

Set this matrix from matrix-like object A.


A – a matrix like object, with element access A[i,j] or A[i][j]


>>> z = [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12], [13,14,15,16]]
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(4, 4)
>>> A.set_matrix(z)
>>> print(A)
[  1  2  3  4 ]
[  5  6  7  8 ]
[  9 10 11 12 ]
[ 13 14 15 16 ]

>>> A = IntegerMatrix(3, 3)
>>> A.set_matrix(z)
>>> print(A)
[ 1  2  3 ]
[ 5  6  7 ]
[ 9 10 11 ]


entries starting from A[nrows, ncols] are ignored.

set_rows(self, int rows)

rows (int) –

submatrix(self, a, b, c=None, d=None)

Construct a new submatrix.

  • a – either the index of the first row or an iterable of row indices

  • b – either the index of the first column or an iterable of column indices

  • c – the index of first excluded row (or None)

  • d – the index of first excluded column (or None)


Return type

We illustrate the calling conventions of this function using a 10 x 10 matrix:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(10, 10)
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=22, q=4194319)
>>> print(A)
[ 1 0 0 0 0 3021421  752690 1522220 2972677  119630 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0  119630 3021421  752690 1522220 2972677 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 0 2972677  119630 3021421  752690 1522220 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 1522220 2972677  119630 3021421  752690 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1  752690 1522220 2972677  119630 3021421 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 4194319       0       0       0       0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0       0 4194319       0       0       0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0       0       0 4194319       0       0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0       0       0       0 4194319       0 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 0       0       0       0       0 4194319 ]

We can either specify start/stop rows and columns:

>>> print(A.submatrix(0,0,2,8))
[ 1 0 0 0 0 3021421  752690 1522220 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0  119630 3021421  752690 ]

Or we can give lists of rows, columns explicitly:

>>> print(A.submatrix([0,1,2],range(3,9)))
[ 0 0 3021421  752690 1522220 2972677 ]
[ 0 0  119630 3021421  752690 1522220 ]
[ 0 0 2972677  119630 3021421  752690 ]
swap_rows(self, int r1, int r2)
  • r1 (int) –

  • r2 (int) –

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> A.swap_rows(0, 1)
>>> print(A)
[ 3 4 ]
[ 0 2 ]
to_matrix(self, A)

Write this matrix to matrix-like object A


A – a matrix like object, with element access A[i,j] or A[i][j]




>>> from fpylll import FPLLL
>>> z = [[0 for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(10)]
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(10, "qary", q=127, k=5)
>>> _ = A.to_matrix(z)
>>> z[0] == list(A[0])

Inline transpose.

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> _ = A.transpose()
>>> print(A)
[ 0 3 ]
[ 2 4 ]
class fpylll.fplll.integer_matrix.IntegerMatrixRow(IntegerMatrix M, int row)

A reference to a row in an integer matrix.


Return entry at column


column (int) – integer offset


Create a row reference.


Row references are immutable:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(2, 3)
>>> A[0,0] = 1; A[0,1] = 2; A[0,2] = 3
>>> r = A[0]
>>> r[0]
>>> r[0] = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'fpylll.fplll.integer_matrix.IntegerMatrixRow' object does not support item assignment
addmul(self, IntegerMatrixRow v, x=1, int expo=0)

In-place add row vector 2^expo x v

  • v (IntegerMatrixRow) – a row vector

  • x – multiplier

  • expo (int) – scaling exponent.


>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> A[0].addmul(A[1])
>>> print(A[0])
(3, 6)

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> A[0].addmul(A[1],x=0)
>>> print(A[0])
(0, 2)

>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2],[3,4]])
>>> A[0].addmul(A[1],x=1,expo=2)
>>> print(A[0])
(12, 18)
is_zero(self, int frm=0)

Return True if this vector consists of only zeros starting at index frm


>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[1,0,0]])
>>> A[0].is_zero()
>>> A[0].is_zero(1)

Return ℓ_2 norm of this vector.


>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_iterable(1, 3, [1,2,3])
>>> A[0].norm()  
>>> 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> sqrt(14)  

Index at which an all zero vector starts.


>>> A = IntegerMatrix.from_matrix([[0,2,3],[0,2,0],[0,0,0]])
>>> A[0].size_nz()
>>> A[1].size_nz()
>>> A[2].size_nz()
fpylll.fplll.integer_matrix.unpickle_IntegerMatrix(nrows, ncols, l, int_type='mpz')

Deserialize an integer matrix.

  • nrows – number of rows

  • ncols – number of columns

  • l – list of entries

Gram Schmidt Orthogonalization

Elementary basis operations, Gram matrix and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.

A MatGSO object stores the following information:

  • The integral basis B,

  • the Gram-Schmidt coefficients μ_{i,j} = `⟨b_i, b^*_j⟩ / ||b^*_j||^2 for i>j, and

  • the coefficients r_{i,j} = ⟨b_i, b^*_j⟩ for i>j

It holds that: B = R × Q = (μ × D) × (D^{-1} × B^*) where Q is orthonormal and R is lower triangular.

class fpylll.fplll.gso.GSO

alias of MatGSO

class fpylll.fplll.gso.MatGSO(IntegerMatrix B, U=None, UinvT=None, int flags=GSO_DEFAULT, float_type='double', gram=False)

MatGSO provides an interface for performing elementary operations on a basis and computing its Gram matrix and its Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. The Gram-Schmidt coefficients are computed on demand. The object keeps track of which coefficients are valid after each row operation.


Return the Gram matrix.

  • If this GSO object operates on a Gram matrix, return that.

  • If this GSO object operates on a basis with GSO.INT_GRAM set, construct the Gram matrix and return it

  • Otherwise, a NotImplementedError is raised

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(10, "qary", k=5, bits=10)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, flags=GSO.INT_GRAM); _ = M.update_gso()
>>> G = M.G
>>> print(G)
[ 2176    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[ 1818 4659    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[ 2695 5709 7416    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[ 2889 5221 7077 7399    0    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[ 2746 3508 4717 4772 4618    0    0    0    0    0 ]
[ 2332 1590 2279 2332 2597 2809    0    0    0    0 ]
[  265 1749 2491 2438    0    0 2809    0    0    0 ]
[  159  265  212 1219  318    0    0 2809    0    0 ]
[  742  636 1537 2067 1802    0    0    0 2809    0 ]
[  159 2650 2650 1908 1696    0    0    0    0 2809 ]
>>> A[0].norm()**2
>>> M = GSO.Mat(G, gram=True); _ = M.update_gso()
>>> G == M.G
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.G
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Computing the Gram Matrix currently requires GSO.INT_GRAM
  • B (IntegerMatrix) – The matrix on which row operations are performed. It must not be empty.

  • U (IntegerMatrix) – If U is not empty, operations on B are also done on u (in this case both must have the same number of rows). If u is initially the identity matrix, multiplying transform by the initial basis gives the current basis.

  • UinvT (IntegerMatrix) – Inverse transform (should be empty, which disables the computation, or initialized with identity matrix). It works only if U is not empty.

  • flags (int) –


    • GSO.INT_GRAM - If true, coefficients of the Gram matrix are computed with exact integer arithmetic. Otherwise, they are computed in floating-point. Note that when exact arithmetic is used, all coefficients of the first n_known_rows are continuously updated, whereas in floating-point, they are computed only on-demand. This option cannot be enabled when GSO.ROW_EXPO is set.

    • GSO.ROW_EXPO - If true, each row of B is normalized by a power of 2 before doing conversion to floating-point, which hopefully avoids some overflows. This option cannot be enabled if GSO.INT_GRAM is set and works only with float_type="double" and float_type="long double". It is useless and must not be used for float_type="dpe", float_type="dd", float_type="qd" or float_type=mpfr_t.

    • GSO.OP_FORCE_LONG - Affects the behaviour of row_addmul. See its documentation.

  • float_type – A floating point type, i.e. an element of fpylll.fpylll.float_types. If float_type="mpfr" set precision with set_precision() before constructing this object and do not change the precision during the lifetime of this object.

  • gram – The input B is a Gram matrix of the lattice, rather than a basis.

Note that matching integer types for B, U and UinvT are enforced:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, LLL, GSO
>>> B = IntegerMatrix.random(5, 'uniform', bits = 8, int_type = "long")
>>> M = GSO.Mat(B, U = IntegerMatrix.identity(B.nrows))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: U.int_type != B.int_type

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, LLL, GSO
>>> B = IntegerMatrix.random(5, 'uniform', bits=8, int_type="long")
>>> M = GSO.Mat(B, U = IntegerMatrix.identity(B.nrows, int_type="long"))
babai(self, v, int start=0, int dimension=-1, gso=False)

Return lattice vector close to v using Babai’s nearest plane algorithm.

  • v – a tuple-like object

  • start – only consider subbasis starting at start`

  • dimension – only consider dimension vectors or all if -1`

  • gso – if True vector is represented wrt to the Gram-Schmidt basis, otherwise canonical basis is assumed.


a tuple of dimension M.B.nrows


Adds a zero row to B (and to U if enable_tranform=true). One or several operations can be performed on this row with row_addmul, then row_op_end must be called. Do not use if inverse_transform_enabled=true.


Number of rows of B (dimension of the lattice).

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.d

Allows row_addmul for all rows even if the GSO has never been computed.

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(10, 10)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.float_type
>>> FPLLL.set_precision(100)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, float_type='mpfr')
>>> M.float_type
from_canonical(self, v, int start=0, int dimension=-1)

Given a vector v wrt the canonical basis \mathbb{Z}^n return a vector wrt the Gram-Schmidt basis B^*

  • v – a tuple-like object of dimension M.B.ncols

  • start – only consider subbasis starting at start`

  • dimension – only consider dimension vectors or all if -1


a tuple of dimension dimension` or M.d` when dimension is None

This operation is the inverse of to_canonical:

>>> import random
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(5, "uniform", bits=6)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> _ = M.update_gso()
>>> v = tuple(IntegerMatrix.random(5, "uniform", bits=6)[0]); v
(35, 24, 55, 40, 23)
>>> w = M.from_canonical(v); w 
(0.98294..., 0.5636..., -3.4594479..., 0.9768..., 0.261316...)
>>> v_ = tuple([int(round(wi)) for wi in M.to_canonical(w)]); v_
(35, 24, 55, 40, 23)
>>> v == v_
get_current_slope(self, int start_row, int stop_row)

Finds the slope of the curve fitted to the lengths of the vectors from start_row to stop_row. The slope gives an indication of the quality of the LLL-reduced basis.

  • start_row (int) – start row index

  • stop_row (int) – stop row index (exclusive)


we call get_current_slope which is declared in bkz.h

get_gram(self, int i, int j)

Return Gram matrix coefficients (0 ≤ i ≤ n_known_rows and 0 ≤ j ≤ i). If enable_row_expo is false, returns the dot product ⟨b_i, b_j⟩. If enable_row_expo is true, returns ⟨b_i, b_j⟩/ 2^{(r_i + r_j)}, where r_i and r_j are the row exponents of rows i and j respectively.

  • i (int) –

  • j (int) –

get_log_det(self, int start_row, int stop_row)

Return log of the (squared) determinant of the basis.

  • start_row (int) – start row (inclusive)

  • stop_row (int) – stop row (exclusive)

get_mu(self, int i, int j)

Return / ||b^*_j||^2.

  • i

  • j

get_mu_exp(self, int i, int j)

Return f = μ_{i, j} and exponent x such that f ⋅ 2^x = ⟨b_i, b^*_j⟩ / ‖b^*_j‖^2. If enable_row_expo is false, x is always zero. If enable_row_expo is true, x = r_i - r_j, where r_i and r_j are the row exponents of rows i and j respectively.


It is assumed that μ_{i, j} is valid.

  • i

  • j

get_r(self, int i, int j)

Return ⟨b_i, b*_j⟩.

  • i

  • j

>>> from fpylll import *
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(0)
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(5, "uniform", bits=5)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.update_gso()
>>> M.get_r(1, 0)
get_r_exp(self, int i, int j)

Return f = r_{i, j} and exponent x such that ⟨b_i, b^*_j⟩ = f ⋅ 2^x. If enable_row_expo is false, x is always 0. If enable_row_expo is true, x = r_i + r_j, where r_i and r_j are the row exponents of rows i and j respectively.


It is assumed that r(i, j) is valid.

  • i

  • j

get_root_det(self, int start_row, int stop_row)

Return (squared) root determinant of the basis.

  • start_row (int) – start row (inclusive)

  • stop_row (int) – stop row (exclusive)

get_slide_potential(self, int start_row, int stop_row, int block_size)

Return slide potential of the basis

  • start_row (int) – start row (inclusive)

  • stop_row (int) – stop row (exclusive)

  • block_size (int) – block size


Exact computation of dot products.

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.int_gram_enabled
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, flags=GSO.INT_GRAM)
>>> M.int_gram_enabled

Computation of the inverse transform matrix (transposed).

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.inverse_transform_enabled
>>> U = IntegerMatrix.identity(11)
>>> UinvT = IntegerMatrix.identity(11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, U=U, UinvT=UinvT)
>>> M.inverse_transform_enabled
move_row(self, int old_r, int new_r)

Row old_r becomes row new_r and intermediate rows are shifted. If new_r < old_r, then old_r must be < n_known_rows.

  • old_r (int) – row index

  • new_r (int) – row index

negate_row(self, int i)

Set b_i to -b_i.


i (int) – index of the row to negate


>>> from fpylll import *
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(42)
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(6, 6)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=6, q=31)
>>> print(A)
[ 1 0 0 12 25 25 ]
[ 0 1 0 25 12 25 ]
[ 0 0 1 25 25 12 ]
[ 0 0 0 31  0  0 ]
[ 0 0 0  0 31  0 ]
[ 0 0 0  0  0 31 ]

>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.update_gso()
>>> with M.row_ops(2,2):
...     M.negate_row(2)
>>> print(A)
[ 1 0  0  12  25  25 ]
[ 0 1  0  25  12  25 ]
[ 0 0 -1 -25 -25 -12 ]
[ 0 0  0  31   0   0 ]
[ 0 0  0   0  31   0 ]
[ 0 0  0   0   0  31 ]
r(self, start=0, end=- 1)

Return r vector from start to end


Remove. the last row of B (and of U if enable_transform=true). Do not use if inverse_transform_enabled=true.

row_addmul(self, int i, int j, x)

Set b_i = b_i + x ⋅ b_j.

After one or several calls to row_addmul, row_op_end must be called.

If row_op_force_long=true, x is always converted to (2^expo * long) instead of (2^expo * ZT), which is faster if ZT=mpz_t but might lead to a loss of precision in LLL, more Babai iterations are needed.

  • i (int) – target row

  • j (int) – source row

  • x – multiplier


Normalization of each row of b by a power of 2.

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.row_expo_enabled
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, flags=GSO.ROW_EXPO)
>>> M.row_expo_enabled
row_op_begin(self, int first, int last)

Must be called before a sequence of row_addmul.

  • first (int) – start index for row_addmul operations.

  • last (int) – final index (exclusive).


It is preferable to use MatGSORowOpContext via row_ops.

row_op_end(self, int first, int last)

Must be called after a sequence of row_addmul. This invalidates the i-th line of the GSO.

  • first (int) – start index to invalidate.

  • last (int) – final index to invalidate (exclusive).


It is preferable to use MatGSORowOpContext via row_ops.


Changes the behaviour of row_addmul, see its documentation.

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.row_op_force_long
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, flags=GSO.OP_FORCE_LONG)
>>> M.row_op_force_long
row_ops(self, int first, int last)

Return context in which row_addmul operations are safe.

  • first (int) – start index.

  • last (int) – final index (exclusive).

swap_rows(self, int i, int j)

Swap rows i and j.

  • i (int) – row index

  • j (int) – row index

to_canonical(self, v, int start=0)

Given a vector v wrt the Gram-Schmidt basis B^* return a vector wrt the canonical basis \mathbb{Z}^n

  • v – a tuple-like object of dimension M.d

  • start – only consider subbasis starting at start`


a tuple of dimension M.B.ncols


Computation of the transform matrix.

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, GSO, FPLLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(11, 11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> M.transform_enabled
>>> U = IntegerMatrix.identity(11)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A, U=U)
>>> M.transform_enabled

Updates all GSO coefficients (μ and r).

update_gso_row(self, int i, int last_j)

Updates r_{i, j} and μ_{i, j} if needed for all j in [0, last_j]. All coefficients of r and μ above the i-th row in columns [0, min(last_j, i - 1)] must be valid.

  • i (int) –

  • last_j (int) –

class fpylll.fplll.gso.MatGSORowOpContext(M, i, j)

A context in which performing row operations is safe. When the context is left, the appropriate updates are performed by calling row_op_end().

__init__(self, M, i, j)

Construct new context for M[i:j].

  • M – MatGSO object

  • i – start row

  • j – stop row

LLL Wrapper

class fpylll.fplll.wrapper.Wrapper(IntegerMatrix B, double delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, double eta=LLL_DEF_ETA, int flags=LLL_DEFAULT)

Run LLL.


Return type

>>> from fpylll import LLL, IntegerMatrix, GSO
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(40, 40)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=10, q=1023)
>>> W = LLL.Wrapper(A)
>>> W()

FIXME! briefly describe function

  • B (IntegerMatrix) –

  • delta (double) –

  • eta (double) –

  • flags (int) –

>>> from fpylll import LLL, IntegerMatrix
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(50, 50)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=100, q=1023)
>>> W = LLL.Wrapper(A)


class fpylll.fplll.lll.LLL

alias of LLLReduction

class Wrapper(IntegerMatrix B, double delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, double eta=LLL_DEF_ETA, int flags=LLL_DEFAULT)

Run LLL.


Return type

>>> from fpylll import LLL, IntegerMatrix, GSO
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(40, 40)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=10, q=1023)
>>> W = LLL.Wrapper(A)
>>> W()

FIXME! briefly describe function

  • B (IntegerMatrix) –

  • delta (double) –

  • eta (double) –

  • flags (int) –

>>> from fpylll import LLL, IntegerMatrix
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(50, 50)
>>> A.randomize("ntrulike", bits=100, q=1023)
>>> W = LLL.Wrapper(A)
static is_reduced(M, delta=0.99, eta=0.51)

is_LLL_reduced(M, delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, eta=LLL_DEF_ETA) Test if M is LLL reduced.

param M

either an GSO object of an integer matrix or an integer matrix.

param delta

LLL parameter δ < 1

param eta

LLL parameter η > 0.5


Return True if M is definitely LLL reduced, False otherwise.

Random matrices are typically not LLL reduced:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, LLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(40, 40)
>>> A.randomize('uniform', bits=32)
>>> LLL.is_reduced(A)

LLL reduction should produce matrices which are LLL reduced:

>>> LLL.reduction(A) 
<IntegerMatrix(40, 40) at 0x...>
>>> LLL.is_reduced(A)


This function may return False for LLL reduced matrices if the precision used to compute the GSO is too small.

static reduction(B, U=None, delta=0.99, eta=0.51, method=None, float_type=None, precision=0, flags=0)

lll_reduction(IntegerMatrix B, U=None, double delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, double eta=LLL_DEF_ETA, method=None, float_type=None, int precision=0, int flags=LLL_DEFAULT) Run LLL reduction.

param IntegerMatrix B

Integer matrix, modified in place.

param U

Transformation matrix or None

param double delta

LLL parameter 0.25 < δ ≤ 1

param double eta

LLL parameter 0 ≤ η < √δ

param method

one of 'wrapper', 'proved', 'heuristic', 'fast' or None.

param float_type

an element of fpylll.float_types or None

param precision

bit precision to use if float_tpe is 'mpfr'

param int flags

LLL flags.


modified matrix B

class fpylll.fplll.lll.LLLReduction(MatGSO M, double delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, double eta=LLL_DEF_ETA, int flags=LLL_DEFAULT)

LLL reduction.

  • kappa_min (int) – minimal index to go back to

  • kappa_start (int) – index to start processing at

  • kappa_end (int) – end index (exclusive)

  • size_reduction_start (int) – only perform size reductions using vectors starting at this index


Construct new LLL object.

  • M (MatGSO) –

  • delta (double) –

  • eta (double) –

  • flags (int) –

    • DEFAULT:

    • VERBOSE:

    • EARLY_RED:

    • SIEGEL:


FIXME! briefly describe function


Return type


FIXME! briefly describe function


Return type


FIXME! briefly describe function


Return type

size_reduction(self, int kappa_min=0, int kappa_end=-1, int size_reduction_start=0)

Size reduction.

  • kappa_min (int) – start index

  • kappa_end (int) – end index (exclusive)

  • size_reduction_start (int) – only perform size reductions using vectors starting at this index


FIXME! briefly describe function


Return type

fpylll.fplll.lll.is_LLL_reduced(M, delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, eta=LLL_DEF_ETA)

Test if M is LLL reduced.

  • M – either an GSO object of an integer matrix or an integer matrix.

  • delta – LLL parameter δ < 1

  • eta – LLL parameter η > 0.5


Return True if M is definitely LLL reduced, False otherwise.

Random matrices are typically not LLL reduced:

>>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix, LLL
>>> A = IntegerMatrix(40, 40)
>>> A.randomize('uniform', bits=32)
>>> LLL.is_reduced(A)

LLL reduction should produce matrices which are LLL reduced:

>>> LLL.reduction(A) 
<IntegerMatrix(40, 40) at 0x...>
>>> LLL.is_reduced(A)


This function may return False for LLL reduced matrices if the precision used to compute the GSO is too small.

fpylll.fplll.lll.lll_reduction(IntegerMatrix B, U=None, double delta=LLL_DEF_DELTA, double eta=LLL_DEF_ETA, method=None, float_type=None, int precision=0, int flags=LLL_DEFAULT)

Run LLL reduction.

  • B (IntegerMatrix) – Integer matrix, modified in place.

  • U – Transformation matrix or None

  • delta (double) – LLL parameter 0.25 < δ ≤ 1

  • eta (double) – LLL parameter 0 ≤ η < √δ

  • method – one of 'wrapper', 'proved', 'heuristic', 'fast' or None.

  • float_type – an element of fpylll.float_types or None

  • precision – bit precision to use if float_tpe is 'mpfr'

  • flags (int) – LLL flags.


modified matrix B





class fpylll.fplll.enumeration.Enumeration
enumerate(self, int first, int last, max_dist, max_dist_expo, target=None, subtree=None, pruning=None, dual=False, subtree_reset=False)

Run enumeration on M

  • first (int) – first row

  • last (int) – last row (exclusive)

  • max_dist – length bound

  • max_dist_expo – exponent of length bound

  • target – target coordinates for CVP/BDD or None for SVP

  • subtree

  • pruning – pruning parameters

  • dual – run enumeration in the primal or dual lattice.

  • subtree_reset


list of pairs containing the solutions’ coefficient vectors and their lengths


Return number of visited nodes in last enumeration call.


Return sub-solutions computed in last enumeration call.

>>> from fpylll import *
>>> FPLLL.set_random_seed(1337)
>>> _ = FPLLL.set_threads(1)
>>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(80, "qary", bits=30, k=40)
>>> _ = LLL.reduction(A)
>>> M = GSO.Mat(A)
>>> _ = M.update_gso()
>>> pruning = Pruning.run(M.get_r(0, 0), 2**40, M.r()[:30], 0.8)
>>> enum = Enumeration(M, strategy=EvaluatorStrategy.BEST_N_SOLUTIONS, sub_solutions=True)
>>> _ = enum.enumerate(0, 30, 0.999*M.get_r(0, 0), 0, pruning=pruning.coefficients)
>>> [int(round(a)) for a,b in enum.sub_solutions[:5]]
[5569754193, 5556022462, 5083806188, 5022873440, 4260865083]
exception fpylll.fplll.enumeration.EnumerationError
class fpylll.fplll.enumeration.EvaluatorStrategy

Strategies to update the enumeration radius and deal with multiple solutions. Possible values are:

  • BEST_N_SOLUTIONS Starting with the nr_solutions-th solution, every time a new solution is found the enumeration bound is updated to the length of the longest solution. If more than nr_solutions were found, the longest is dropped.

  • OPPORTUNISTIC_N_SOLUTIONS Every time a solution is found, update the enumeration distance to the length of the solution. If more than nr_solutions were found, the longest is dropped.

  • FIRST_N_SOLUTIONS The enumeration bound is not updated. As soon as nr_solutions are found, enumeration stops.



class fpylll.util.FPLLL
static get_precision(float_type='mpfr')

Get currently set precision


float_type – one of ‘double’, ‘long double’, ‘dpe’, ‘dd’, ‘qd’ or ‘mpfr’


precision in bits

This function returns the precision per type:

>>> import fpylll
>>> from fpylll import FPLLL
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('double')
>>> if fpylll.config.have_long_double:
...     FPLLL.get_precision('long double') > 53
... else:
...     True
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('dpe')

For the MPFR type different precisions are supported:

>>> _ = FPLLL.set_precision(212)
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('mpfr')
>>> FPLLL.get_precision()
>>> _ = FPLLL.set_precision(53)
static get_threads()

Get the number of threads.

static randint(a, b)

Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.

static set_external_enumerator(enumerator)

Set an external enumeration library.

For example, assume you compiled a fplll-extenum

First, we load the required Python modules: fpylll and ctypes

>>> from fpylll import *  
>>> import ctypes         

Then, using ctypes we dlopen enumlib.so

>>> enumlib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("enumlib.so") 

For demonstration purposes we increase the loglevel. Note that functions names are result of C++ compiler name mangling and may differ depending on platform/compiler/linker.

>>> enumlib._Z20enumlib_set_logleveli(1)            

We grab the external enumeration function

>>> fn = enumlib._Z17enumlib_enumerateidSt8functionIFvPdmbS0_S0_EES_IFddS0_EES_IFvdS0_iEEbb 

and pass it to Fplll

>>> FPLLL.set_external_enumerator(fn)  

To disable the external enumeration library, call

>>> FPLLL.set_external_enumerator(None)  
static set_precision(unsigned int prec)

Set precision globally for MPFR


prec – an integer >= 53


current precision

static set_random_seed(unsigned long seed)

Set random seed.


seed – a new seed.

static set_threads(int th=1)

Set the number of threads.


th – number of threads

This is currently only used for enumeration.

class fpylll.util.PrecisionContext(prec)
__init__(self, prec)

Create new precision context.


prec – internal precision

exception fpylll.util.ReductionError
fpylll.util.adjust_radius_to_gh_bound(double dist, int dist_expo, int block_size, double root_det, double gh_factor)

Use Gaussian Heuristic to reduce bound on the length of the shortest vector.

  • dist (double) – norm of shortest vector

  • dist_expo (int) – exponent of norm (for dpe representation)

  • block_size (int) – block size

  • root_det (double) – root determinant

  • gh_factor (double) – factor to multiply with


(dist, expo)


Return volume of n-dimensional unit ball


n – dimension


Return squared norm of shortest vector as predicted by the Gaussian heuristic.


r – vector of squared Gram-Schmidt norms


Get currently set precision


float_type – one of ‘double’, ‘long double’, ‘dpe’, ‘dd’, ‘qd’ or ‘mpfr’


precision in bits

This function returns the precision per type:

>>> import fpylll
>>> from fpylll import FPLLL
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('double')
>>> if fpylll.config.have_long_double:
...     FPLLL.get_precision('long double') > 53
... else:
...     True
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('dpe')

For the MPFR type different precisions are supported:

>>> _ = FPLLL.set_precision(212)
>>> FPLLL.get_precision('mpfr')
>>> FPLLL.get_precision()
>>> _ = FPLLL.set_precision(53)

Get the number of threads.


Create new precision context.


prec – internal precision

fpylll.util.randint(a, b)

Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.


Set an external enumeration library.

For example, assume you compiled a fplll-extenum

First, we load the required Python modules: fpylll and ctypes

>>> from fpylll import *  
>>> import ctypes         

Then, using ctypes we dlopen enumlib.so

>>> enumlib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("enumlib.so") 

For demonstration purposes we increase the loglevel. Note that functions names are result of C++ compiler name mangling and may differ depending on platform/compiler/linker.

>>> enumlib._Z20enumlib_set_logleveli(1)            

We grab the external enumeration function

>>> fn = enumlib._Z17enumlib_enumerateidSt8functionIFvPdmbS0_S0_EES_IFddS0_EES_IFvdS0_iEEbb 

and pass it to Fplll

>>> FPLLL.set_external_enumerator(fn)  

To disable the external enumeration library, call

>>> FPLLL.set_external_enumerator(None)  
fpylll.util.set_precision(unsigned int prec)

Set precision globally for MPFR


prec – an integer >= 53


current precision

fpylll.util.set_random_seed(unsigned long seed)

Set random seed.


seed – a new seed.

fpylll.util.set_threads(int th=1)

Set the number of threads.


th – number of threads

This is currently only used for enumeration.

Python Algorithms

The modules in this category extend the functionality of fplll in some way by implementing algorithms in Python.

Simple BKZ

Simple Dual BKZ